Our Impact

We export high quality coffee

Social and economic impact

As SMC Ltd’s business is basically in rural areas where the majority of people are farmers, the establishment of CWS(s) and different coffee farms boosts people centered government programs such as mutuelle de sante as we are among big employers for youth and women in the region. The establishment of CWS(s) also rise the competitiveness of coffee cherries’ price which leads to the welfare of coffee farmers in our surroundings. In order to maintain a good partnership and mutual interest with the farmers, we offer some of them in need small loans for children school fees, accommodation, house rehabilitations and others during the pre-season so that they pay back the loans during coffee harvesting season. To be true to our mission we understand our influence and hold ourselves accountable for our actions. Our Impact Strategy – a dashboard that tracks all our various outcomes – ensures we do this. Quality of Life, Quality of Business, Quality of Coffee. Our Impact Strategy focuses on the health and well-being of people and planet, building stronger community and future-proofing our supply of specialty coffee. Through this platform, we’ve established specific goals and initiatives as we continue to positively affect our team, community and the environment. We continue to be a business for the future, for everyone.

Environmental impact

By rising the number of hectares for coffee plantations in our own farms and through the sensitization for our partner coffee farmers and Cooperatives SMC Ltd plays a great role on forestation. We protect rivers and KIVU lake’s shores from being polluted by coffee washing process and farms; Instead all coffee shells from the coffee washing station are reused as a perfect manure for coffee trees during pre-season works, in order to diminish the use of mineral fertilizers. During Seasonal trainings carried out by our agronomists for coffee farmers we insist on the technic of deep digging down during coffee farming, which prevent fertilizers applied to coffee farms from running off into waterways. This prevents triggering algal and plant blooms that can kill aquatic life and plants. This prevents directly destroying aquatic organisms and introducing carcinogens and other toxic substances that pose serious health risks to humans and other forms of life.